Fan Fiction Media Presents

Dirty, Messy Titan Love Chapter 12: I Think You'll Find The Committee's Terms Favorable

Bill The Conquerer Season 2 Episode 12

Titan: James Marinari
Warlock: Giselle Marbello
Ikora: Nhea Durousseau
Saint-14: Norman Bradley
Warlock Ghost, Loriellee: Clover Wren
Titan Ghost: Whitney Holland
Lord Shaxx, Mithrax: McSpuddington
Hawthorn, Crow: CxeeFoxx
Amanda Holliday: Bailey Wolfe

Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca

Chapter Art: Good Game Art & Design
Transcription: Eli Barraza

Chapter music: From available Destiny 2 playlists on YouTube

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[Opening theme music fades in, a single female vocalist against deep piano notes. Strings come in, making the piece more full bodied, hopeful. Then the vocals and strings fade out.]

[SFX: Titan’s Ghost taps on his helmet amidst the debris of rockfall.]

GHOST: Guardian? Guardian? Talk to me.

TITAN: (dazed) I’m… I’m ok. Did you rez me?


[SFX: The Ghost nudges the rocks.]

GHOST: Can you move these rocks? We’re kinda stuck here.

[SFX: Grunts as body suit machinery works to push against the rocks.]

TITAN VO: I pushed against the boulders on my head, and they didn’t immediately move. They had fallen just right, so I could still squirm around and find a foothold and some space. That’s when my head cleared, and I realized my situation.

TITAN: (trying to use radio) House Light. House Light! (to Ghost) What’s their status? Gotta find them….

[SFX: Rock clatters away as he gives one last heave.]

TITAN VO: I pushed the last big rock aside, and the Nessus sun blinded me for a moment as I stood. I reached down for my helmet as I shielded my eyes.The next thing I knew, my Warlock leaped on my chest and began sobbing.

[SFX: A thump and Warlock whimpers.]

TITAN: (laughing) I’m fine. I’m fine. Not the first time a wall has fallen on my head.

TITAN VO: (echoing) She suddenly leaned back and grabbed my cheeks, planting a kiss square on my lips. 

[SFX: Heartbeat.]

TITAN VO: I melted into her with a feeling I had not had in a very, very long time. It was so strong and powerful that time froze for a moment as my heart melted into a pool of love that I thought had long since frozen over. (deep breath) I could feel the fire of passion reignite in my soul, and for the first time in decades, I had someone to share it with.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her to me. Her powerful presence penetrated my very being so much that I never wanted her to leave. I never wanted her to feel pain or come to harm ever again. I would protect her with my last breath if it meant she would be safe.

[SFX: Rustle and rock clatter.]

TITAN VO: (echoing ends) Without warning, she pulled away from me with a confused look. Not sure if she was scared or mad, she slowly wiped her face as if realizing what had just happened and what door she had just walked through. I stood there contemplating the same thing when she caught me totally off guard with a stiff smack to the face.

[SFX: Hard SMACK.]

WARLOCK: What do you think you’re doing, you silly Titan? Jumping on the back of a Chieftain like that? You could get yourself killed, and then I’d be all alone here to finish the mission while you’re just laying there playing with your goddam crayons, waiting for your Ghost to rez you. Do you realize that what you did was foolish and stupid and… and brave…. and courageous… and-

TITAN VO: She stopped and looked at me again with the same face she had back in the hangar. The same face that made me forgive her. I could see deep into her eyes and penetrated through that sassy, defiant facade as she silently pleaded with me not to leave her. (breath) Her deep-seated fear of abandonment washed over me, and I silently pledged my whole soul never to let her down ever again. I could feel the internal struggle between her powerful mind and burning heart telling her that this made absolutely no sense. No science could ever explain why she felt this way.

WARLOCK: And don’t you ever do that again, or I’ll-

TITAN VO: I snatched her by the waist again…

[SFX: Rustling then a heartbeat slowly fades in.]

TITAN VO: …. and kissed her deeply. (echoing) She melted into my arms, entangling her passion and fire with mine. I could be strong for her. I could be powerful, courageous, and brave for her. I could also be weak for her. I could be soft and simple and gentle… for her. I could be all the things for me with her. I could risk feeling those dangerous feelings again for her. This was more than just showing courage in the face of a massive task like the one we just completed. This required the kind of courage to face the most dangerous monster in the universe. I could lose my heart in this. I could be forever scarred. AGAIN. But this was worth it. Even if I failed again. There was no other feeling in the world like this, and I would hate myself forever if I denied myself this moment out of fear. I’m a Titan for a reason. I stand against the strongest foes in the universe. It was almost as if the Traveler opened my mind just enough to show me that this…

[SFX: Whirring fades in, the real world slowly coming back into focus.]

TITAN VO: … was the path to a new level of understanding, and I was here for it all.

GHOST: Guardian? Eugh… Guardian.

[SFX: Footsteps approach.]

IKORA: (restrained smile) Well, it seems like this… situation… is completely under control.

TITAN: (embarrassed) Uh, yes, yes! The mission is completed.

WARLOCK: Yes, Ikora. House Light is, ah, safe. We completed the mission as per your orders.

MITHRAX: (through helmet, guttural) Ikora-Kell, you have saved House Light again. The Great Machine has provided for us once more, and we are grateful.

TITAN: (to Saint) I assume the Exodus Black is all cleaned up?

SAINT-14: (laughs) Yes, my friend. It took a little longer than expected, but you seem to have afforded yourself quite well without our help.

TITAN: I had a good fireteam. We got the job done.

WARLOCK: (sassy) You had a good fireteam? You mean I had a good fireteam. Don’t you?

SAINT–14: There is nothing quite like having a fireteam you can rely on. (to Ikora) I must accompany Mithrax and the House Light elders back to the Eliksni Quarter. I shall return to the Tower directly after so we can debrief.

IKORA: I expect a full report from both of you. (to Warlock) And you, my young Light. We have many things to discuss.

WARLOCK: (rushed) Of course. I’ll return to the Tower without delay.

[SFX: Footsteps. The world fades away to Titan’s heartbeat.]

TITAN VO: We were alone again as Saint and Ikora followed the other Guardians, and I turned to her. (echoing) The Nessus sun shone through her red hair and highlighted the pebbles and dust that settled after the prolonged battle. I gently ran my hand through her thick red hair. She smiled at me as she stood silently in my space.

TITAN: I, uh-

TITAN VO: She placed her hand over my mouth and gazed deeper into my eyes. Those emerald green windows to her soul seemed like bottomless wells of light as she crushed what little was left of the massive stone walls I'd constructed over the years to protect my heart. (breath) She removed her hand and slowly kissed me again, letting her hair fall around my shoulders. I was home.

[SFX: The heartbeat fades, real world returns.]

WARLOCK: (gentle) We have reports to file. Best get going.

TITAN: (smiling) You still owe me ramen.

WARLOCK: (flirty) Perhaps we can come to another arrangement?

TITAN: I’ll have a proposal to the committee tomorrow morning.

WARLOCK: I strongly recommend that you present it tonight. The committee can be quite impatient when it comes to certain matters.

TITAN: Is the committee prepared to negotiate in good faith?

WARLOCK: I think you’ll find the committee’s terms favorable.

TITAN VO: She firmly squeezed my butt and pushed her helmet on.

[SFX: Footsteps then a high toned engine.]

TITAN VO: I was frozen in place, watching her zoom away into the Nessus sunset on her sparrow. By the Traveler. What have I gotten myself into now?

[Ending theme music. Gentle piano beneath longing strings, building to a peak then fading away.]