Fan Fiction Media Presents
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Fan Fiction Media Presents
Dirty, Messy Titan Love Chapter 11: Why Are Titans So Stupid And Brave?
Titan: James Marinari
Warlock: Giselle Marbello
Ikora: Nhea Durousseau
Saint-14: Norman Bradley
Warlock Ghost, Loriellee: Clover Wren
Titan Ghost: Whitney Holland
Lord Shaxx, Mithrax: McSpuddington
Hawthorn, Crow: CxeeFoxx
Amanda Holliday: Bailey Wolfe
Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca
Chapter Art: Zion Zeta
Chapter music: From available Destiny 2 playlists on YouTube
WARLOCK VO: I heard the distinct sound of a Titan Ward of Dawn….
[SFX: A pulse of energy as Titan moves.]
WARLOCK VO: …and turned to see a bright purple streak flinging itself at the Fallen boss.
[SFX: Titan yells and electricity arcs followed by a high pitched tone.]
WARLOCK VO: The sun of Nessus hit his helmet just right and blinded me for a moment. The sound of an incoming shock grenade snapped me back to reality.
[SFX: A soft boom followed by more high pitched squeals of grenades going live.]
WARLOCK VO: I flung another grenade in the narrow passage and moved back to grab the benefits from the Ward. I could see the Titan slide between the legs of the big Fallen chief and drop a voidwall grenade.
[SFX: The chieftain growls and roars amidst the shots.]
WARLOCK VO: He then began circling and firing his auto rifle as the Boss fired and flailed in a vain attempt to stop him. The pile of dead Fallen bodies had finally convinced the advancing force that trying to push through the passage…
[SFX: Negatory beeps.]
WARLOCK VO: …was a negative sum equation. I heard the call for retreat and turned my attention to the members of House Light. Some of the elders had strayed away from the main group attempting to watch their new hero in action.
[SFX: A pleasant beeping.]
WARLOCK VO: Checking the position of the Fallen boss, I could see that silly Titan had properly executed his tactical plan, drawing the Chieftain away from our escape route with his endless circles, dropping Witherhoard shots, and peppering him with auto rifle fire.
WARLOCK: (whistles then calls over in Fallen)
[SFX: Running footsteps.]
WARLOCK VO: I took advantage of the distraction and directed the three riflemen to cover our move up the hill into better cover. I wondered why he hadn’t used his rocket yet when I saw the remaining Fallen force rallying to their Chief to support his efforts.
[SFX: Beep of the radio then its crackles.]
WARLOCK: Incoming Fallen troops 3 o’clock.
WARLOCK VO: Without a response, he drew his rocket launcher.
[SFX: The launcher powers up and he yells. BOOM.]
WARLOCK VO: Gliding majestically through the air, he fired a single rocket in the middle of the group. The chain reaction exploded and removed all threats from the low-end troops. Only the big boss remained.
[SFX: More shots, yells, and roars.]
WARLOCK VO: (echoing) I was suddenly taken aback watching my Titan so easily fight this immense foe. He never wasted a step and never looked confused with his next move. He was graceful and powerful all at once. I could see the Chieftain getting more frustrated with each passing moment. With all its power, none of its shots could connect with my swift Titan.
[SFX: A quiet beat with a whirring tone rises.]
WARLOCK VO: And that’s when it all went sideways.
[SFX: The tone and beat vanishes, back to the reality of battle.]
WARLOCK VO: My Fallen sentries became emboldened by the success of my silly Titan and suddenly felt the need to help out. I heard two wire rifle shots whip past my head and tap the Chieftain on its back. The brave House Light warriors probably thought they were helping their new hero when in reality… they just ruined the entire plan.
[SFX: The Fallen chatter and yell.]
WARLOCK VO: The Chieftain, who had now halted its futile attempt to eliminate its foe, turned back toward the original objective. Just as my sentries let out a cry of battle….
[SFX: Yelling then a ROAR.]
WARLOCK VO: …the monster roared back at them and began firing its huge cannon at the retreating Elders.
[SFX: Powerful shots launch.]
WARLOCK VO: Before I could even say anything, they fired again at the enemy. Their wire rifle shots did little more than anger the Chieftain further. It stomped up the incline, closing quickly on the slow-moving group of Elders.
[SFX: Heavy panting as the Chieftain runs.]
WARLOCK VO: The ground began shaking and trembling as the rage-filled monster charged at us.
[SFX: Warlock lifts a weapon, everything clicking into place.]
WARLOCK VO: I raised my heavy grenade launcher, ready to defend the group, when the Chieftain stumbled and began flailing and screaming. It lurched and thrashed about; as it roared louder and louder, I could see my silly Titan punching and climbing up its massive back.
[SFX: Amidst the yelling and fighting, rumble of an incoming skiff.]
WARLOCK VO: Then I heard another skiff fly into the area which only meant more Fallen foes to deal with. Our situation was getting worse by the second.
WARLOCK: (whistles then yells in Fallen)
WARLOCK VO: I turned to the Elders and ordered them all to the top of the hill and into cover.
[SFX: Running.]
WARLOCK VO: The wire rifle warriors realized the error of their actions and quickly pushed the group over the rise in the path toward the stone structure beyond. I turned back to see the Chieftain slowly losing steam.
[SFX: The Chieftain yells in desperation.]
WARLOCK VO: My Titan was winning, and the monster knew it. In one final desperate attempt to loosen my Titan from its back….
[SFX: A huge roar then crumbling punching.]
WARLOCK VO: …it flung its body into the massive stone edifices over and over. The force of the blow finally crumbled the wall and surrounding structures. My Titan fell from his foe and landed hard on the ground.
[SFX: Rock skids and slides.]
WARLOCK VO: Before he could attempt to get up, the wall began collapsing on top of him. My silly Titan disappeared into a tomb of falling stones from the now-destroyed wall.
[SFX: Ethereal music as the sound of battle fade away.]
WARLOCK VO: (echoing) The sweat of the hot day burned my eyes inside my helmet as I assumed the worst. Sure. His Ghost would resurrect him, but not in time to keep the Fallen Chieftain from completing his task. I didn’t know if I could hold off a boss like that and all the incoming troops while protecting House Light in a sustained fight. I began to feel panic well up inside me. I was all alone. No fireteam. No cavalry coming across the hill. Just me staring death in the face.
I couldn’t let all his reckless audacious valor, his fearless nature be for nothing. Not after he got us out of the first mess in Cistern. Not after he had every right to hate me, yet he chose to forgive me. I can’t let that all be in vain. Goddam, stupid, silly, heroic Titans, being all brave and courageous.
[SFX: The sounds of battle come back as the Chieftain shakes it off and roars.]
WARLOCK VO: The Chieftain was emboldened by apparently vanquishing his foe and let out a fierce battle cry, repeatedly stomping on the ground as he readied himself to finish his mission.
[SFX: A bark of emotion from Warlock as she runs.]
WARLOCK VO: I let out a scream and sprinted down the small hill as fast as I could.
[SFX: Running wet footsteps. Warlock cries out again, using her weapon.]
WARLOCK VO: Leaping into the air, I desperately ignited my Chaos Reach. I vaporized the Chieftain in seconds and had enough left to destroy the reinforcements. I landed on my feet, out of breath, and totally spent.
[SFX: Warlock collects her breath before stumbling over.]
WARLOCK VO: I tossed aside my helmet, scrambled to the pile of red rocks that had fallen on my silly Titan, and began trying to push away the earth and rubble in hopes he was ok.
[SFX: Rock scraping on rock, clattering pieces skidding off.]
WARLOCK VO: I grunted and shoved with everything I had left against the massive stone and it wasn’t enough. I couldn’t get them off of him. I slumped down on the pile and began sobbing.
[SFX: A thunk as she collapses and cries.]
WARLOCK VO: Not sure why exactly. I knew he’d be resurrected by his Ghost if he died, but why was I scared he couldn’t come back?
[SFX: Clatter of rocks.]
WARLOCK VO: I lay there huffing and heaving when the rocks began moving around me. Energy surged back into my body, and I jumped up.
[SFX: A soft thunk followed by equipment straining, rock moving.]
WARLOCK VO: I pulled and pushed again with everything I could muster as he emerged from the rubble with his helmet in hand, rubbing his head.
[SFX: Running footsteps.]
WARLOCK VO: I rushed to him and hugged him so hard he fell down again. We had done it. We completed our mission, and my Titan had come back to me.
TITAN: (laughing) I’m fine. I’m fine. Not the first time a wall has fallen on my head.
WARLOCK VO: (echoing) I sat up and grabbed his bruised Awoken face, and kissed him hard. My silly Titan was back.
[Ending theme music. Ethereal vocals weaving a high arching tune before fading away.]