Fan Fiction Media Presents
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Fan Fiction Media Presents
Dirty, Messy Titan Love: Chapter 2 - And I Have Just The Titan To Help
Titan: James Marinari
Warlock: Giselle Marbello
Ikora: Nhea Durousseau
Saint-14: Norman Bradley
Warlock Ghost, Loriellee: Clover Wren
Titan Ghost: Whitney Holland
Lord Shaxx, Mithrax: McSpuddington
Hawthorn, Crow: CxeeFoxx
Amanda Holliday: Bailey Wolfe
Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca
Chapter Art: Zion Zeta
Chapter music: From available Destiny 2 playlists on YouTube
[Opening theme music. High pitched choral vocals come in, followed by deeper toned harmonies layering beneath. The thump and digital sound clips in. The voices weave together in a beautiful arcing harmony. ]
WARLOCK VO: I stood quietly in the Courtyard collecting my notes before I went to Ikora.
[SFX: Digital readout beeps and chirps, a stream of information.]
WARLOCK VO: I poured over all the details of the odd energy fluctuations I found on Nessus like my life depended on it. And it did. I was about to approach the most senior member of The Vanguard with a new potential threat to humanity, and I had to make sure all my ducks were in a row.
I respect Ikora for her wisdom and strength so much, and I needed her to know how much I valued her teaching. I was beyond thrilled when she took me on as a student. Not many even come close to that opportunity.
My fellow Warlocks were so happy when Ikora accepted me. I remember the day I got the call. I was exploring the caves on Nessus looking to prove a theory I had about why the Traveler chose this place instead of anywhere else. My ghost suddenly popped out and exclaimed that Ikora needed to see me immediately. That was the best day of my new life as a Guardian.
[SFX: A beep followed by cloth rustling.]
WARLOCK VO: I put my datapad into my belt and began straightening my robes. I suddenly became very aware of how dusty my robes were from constant use. I hadn’t been back to my vault in weeks. Chasing down these readings had me so focused that I hadn’t even bothered to change my clothes.
I couldn’t let Ikora see me looking so unkempt and messy. Not on this important day. By the Traveler, I had let myself become so engrossed in this mystery I had forgotten to keep up even the basic personal maintenance.
[SFX: Footsteps move from pavement to metal underfoot back to pavement again.]
WARLOCK VO: Jogging down the ramp when another Guardian caught my eye. There he was standing in front of Tess trying on new shaders for his glowing armor. His broad shoulders and mark immediately gave away the fact that he was another pretty boy, showboating Titan. UGH!
[SFX: A metallic swish.]
WARLOCK VO: (echoing) But the gentle features of his face. The wispy way his hair fell across his brow. The way his rare armor hugged his powerful chest and flowed down to his firm hips. His mysterious Awoken aura. All of it wrapped me in a blanket of nearly blinding euphoria as my eyes took in his lustrous mark slightly covering his firm backside.
His armor shone brightly in the sun of the day. The light blue glow told me his Solstice armor was fully masterworked, and as he turned to walk up the steps from Eververse, the glint of his chest piece told me he was quite the veteran Guardian (sigh).
[SFX: Footsteps as she resumes moving.]
WARLOCK VO: (echoing stops) Well, at least he wasn’t another smooth-brained, overconfident Human on the never-ending quest to prove the size of his-
[SFX: A thunking crunch of collision, metal parts clinking.]
HUNTER NPC: HEY! Watch where you’re going, ya stupid floofer!
WARLOCK: (surprised and annoyed) WHAT?
WARLOCK VO: I apparently bumped into a Hunter in my intoxicated state…
[SFX: Footsteps, scrape of picking up something from the ground.]
WARLOCK VO: …and my datapad fell out of my robes. Goddamm Hunters!
[SFX: A swish of clothing as she turns.]
WARLOCK VO: When I looked up, I saw the Titan approaching Saint. The Vanguard Titan representative exploded joyfully when he turned to see the Guardian. Saint hugged him fiercely…
[SFX: Thump, thump, thump.]
WARLOCK VO: …and pounded his back as they embraced. Why do Titans always smack each other when they greet? Why can’t they just smile and shake hands like everyone else?
[SFX: Footsteps approach Warlock. Conversation between Titan and Saint in the background, greeting each other with enthusiasm.]
LORIELEE: (smiling) Good morning, sister.
WARLOCK: (excited) Lorielee! Who is the Awoken Titan with Saint?
LORIELEE: Oh, him? That’s the one who brought Crow back to the Tower and caused the whole ruckus where Saint and Zavala fought. I also believe he was on Cayde’s fireteam at the Prison of Elders? (thinks a beat) Yeah, that’s the one. (as if with a wink) He’s quite the specimen. Isn’t he?
WARLOCK: Well, I mean, he’s a Titan, so…
LORIELEE: (pivoting) Haven’t seen you much lately. What does Ikora have you running around the system doing now?”
WARLOCK: Oh, yes, yes. I found some odd readings on Nessus that I’ve been investigating for the last few weeks. You should see this. It looks like the Vex-
LORIELEE: (exasperated) You and your Vex obsession again! I have some Gambit matches to attend to. You should keep obsessing over that Titan. He’s talking with Shaxx now. (flirtatiously) Better follow him to the Bazaar before he gets away. (giggles)
WARLOCK: You can shut up now.
WARLOCK VO: I turned back to see the Titan now talking with Banshee and doling out Glimmer for bounties. So he was the one with Cayde. Hmmm… But I don't have time for this! I have a report to deliver to Ikora.
[SFX: Footsteps.]
WARLOCK VO: A critical report that could alter the entire tactical strategy of the Vanguard. I wish Osiris was still around. His insights into Vex tactics would be such a powerful tool, and I could really use some encouragement right now—
[SFX: Footsteps stop.]
WARLOCK VO: (echoing) Breathe. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Calm down. You wouldn’t be Ikora’s student if you didn’t know what you were doing. You got this. You got this.
[SFX: Metallic swish. Footsteps start up again. Conversations in the background.]
WARLOCK VO: The energy was so much different down here. Less formal. More authentic. The sun just hit me differently in this part of the Tower. Maybe it was the presence of more civilians along with the various political arms of the population.
[SFX: Sizzling food amidst the conversations.]
WARLOCK VO: I crossed in front of the ramen shop, letting the brothy aroma deep into my lungs. (breathes) Mmmmm, yeah. Good noodles there. Good noodles.
[SFX: Footsteps on metal steps.]
WARLOCK VO: As I turned to walk down the step toward Ikora, I saw him again standing next to Hawthorn. The sun's light shone around his form again, bathing him in a nearly magical glow… (chiding) Not now, girl. No distractions. I have to focus. Focus. (echoing) FOCUS!
IKORA: Greetings, my student. What do you have for me?
WARLOCK: Yes, yes, yes. So. (deep breath)
[SFX: Digital beeps from her datapad.]
WARLOCK: There have been some really wild energy fluctuations in the Cistern recently. The Pools of Luminance seem to be the source of these readings, and I’d like to investigate them further.
IKORA: What do you mean?
WARLOCK: These readings are similar to the ones that came from the gate you constructed in the Tower during the Vex Offensive. The small differences could result from the lack of a reliable energy source required to power such a large gate.
IKORA: Hm. You might be onto something. These do look remarkably similar to other Vex gates I have encountered. Did you compare these to the gate on the Moon?
[SFX: Digital beeps and chirps intensify for a moment.]
WARLOCK: It’s an 85% match. I attribute the differences there to the overall size of that gate. The power source is much more reliable there.
IKORA: Still… Well done. While I don’t think the Vex have the capability to pull off something of this magnitude right now, it’s still worth checking out.
WARLOCK VO: She said well done! (excited) Ooh! I couldn’t believe that Ikora Rey actually complimented me on my work. Lorielee and the others will be so jealous.
IKORA: You’ll need some backup as you investigate further.
[SFX: A step as Ikora’s words register.]
WARLOCK: Wait. What? This is my project. I found those readings. I did all the investigation.
IKORA: I do not doubt any of that. I’m merely saying that you need someone to watch your back so you can concentrate on your work. That’s all.
WARLOCK VO: (echoing) I don’t need anyone’s help with anything. This was my investigation and my mission. I’m not about to share anything with anyone… (echoing stops) but this was Ikora Rey. (resigned) She knows what she’s talking about. I quickly swallowed, trying to regain my composure. (sigh) She turned and looked up at Hawthorn.
WARLOCK: Ikora, I can take care of myself. I really don’t need a fireteam to-
IKORA: And I have just the Titan to help. Guardian, would you join us?
[Ending theme music. End theme music. Mid range harmonious voices come in, a haunting quality as they fade away.]
Titan: James Marinari
Warlock: Giselle Marbello
Ikora: Nhea Durousseau
Loriellee: Clover Wren
Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca
Chapter Art: Zion Zeta
Chapter music: From available Destiny 2 playlists on Youtube
Transcripts: Eli Barraza