Fan Fiction Media Presents

Dirty, Messy Titan Love: Chapter 14 - Tell Me About Her

Bill The Conquerer Season 2 Episode 14

Titan: James Marinari
Warlock: Giselle Marbello
Ikora: Nhea Durousseau
Saint-14: Norman Bradley
Warlock Ghost, Loriellee: Clover Wren
Titan Ghost: Whitney Holland
Lord Shaxx, Mithrax: McSpuddington
Hawthorn, Crow: CxeeFoxx
Amanda Holliday: Bailey Wolfe

Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca
Transcription: Eli Barraza

Chapter music: Tracks from Fight Forever, a fan-made Destiny soundtrack by Breshi
Intro- Enternal Perfection, Outro- Desire

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[Opening theme music fades in, dreamy ethereal tones provide the base for more warped sliding tones. After a few moments, it fades away.]

[SFX: The rumble and whine of Titan’s ship.]

TITAN VO: The jump back to the Tower was quicker than I wanted. I was reminded of something Osiris once said about how time is more malleable than we realize, especially when we aren’t paying attention to it.

I was completely drunk on the gas and riding that huge tidal wave of energy from that kiss. She inhabited every single thought and energized my soul. My Ghost hovered silently next to me as we sped through the stars

TITAN: You haven’t said much. Everything ok?

GHOST: (reserved) I’m fine. For the first time in a while, I don’t have to worry about you. So. There isn’t much to say.

TITAN: (whiny) What does THAT mean?

TOWER CONTROL: (over comms) Guardian ship 723. You are clear for landing. Shipwright Holiday has requested that you meet with her at your earliest convenience.

TITAN: Copy that, Tower control.

[SFX: The engine noise increases, a swoop of movement. After a beat, footsteps.]

TITAN: I was told you wanted to see me?

AMANDA HALLIDAY: Well, well, well. If it isn’t the hero of Nessus. You ok?

TITAN: (confused) Yes… why do you ask?

AMANDA HALLIDAY: I hear things. So… just making sure.

TITAN: (laughs) Hasn’t even been three hours, and the entire Tower is talking.

[SFX: Papers rustle.]

TITAN: Would you take a look at these equations for me? I hear they could increase the efficiency of my jump ship.

AMANDA HALLIDAY: Hmmm. These numbers look good on paper. I’ll test them and get back to you.

CROW: (low, gravelly voice) Hello again, Guardian.

TITAN: Good to see you. Missed you on Nessus.

CROW: I wish I could have been there, but I was on a special mission. There’s something happening on the Moon. The Hive are building new structures, and the Fallen are increasing their numbers.

TITAN: That’s bad news.

CROW: I agree. When I have more, you’ll know.

AMANDA HALLIDAY: Saint said he wanted to see you when you landed.

TITAN: I’m headed that way now. Good to see both of you.

[SFX: Clothes rustling then footsteps.]

TITAN VO: I turned and quickly jogged to catch up with my favorite Titan. The sun of the Courtyard hit me differently today. The pieces of the Traveler seemed a bit more present than I previously recalled. Boy, that gas really screws with awareness.

SAINT-14: (jovial) Guardian!

TITAN: Good to see you again. I have my Nessus report for you.

SAINT-14: Bah. I do not need paperwork from you. (joking) That is why we have Warlocks! (boisterous laugh)

TITAN: (loud laugh

TITAN VO: He was so much different from Zavala, bringing so much joy to everything he does. It’s a nice change from that iceman that was my Awoken cousin.

TITAN: I must report to Ikora.

SAINT-14: Of course, of course. Come talk to me when you are finished.

TITAN: Everything ok?

SAINT-14: We will find out when you return.

[SFX: Footsteps.]

TITAN VO: Everyone is suddenly so concerned for me and my well-being. I guess that makes sense. There is no other opponent quite as insidious and devastating as love when things go sideways. I made my way to Ikora. Her eyes connected with mine, and she smiled at me. It had been a while since our interaction at the cave on Io.

The Darkness had consumed her refuge, and I could tell it hurt her but not in the way I expected. Sometimes old things must be taken from us so that new things can manifest. It’s a tough lesson for all the creatures under the Traveler’s watch.

IKORA: Hello, my friend.

[SFX: Small movement.]

TITAN VO: I pulled out my report and gave her a rundown. There was really nothing in it that she didn’t already know, but she did perk up when I talked about the Fallen elders.

TITAN: The Fallen did send quite a few troops after these House Light elders. Not exactly sure what that’s all about, but this was more than a few skiffs worth of dregs. That Chieftain meant they were super serious about their mission.

IKORA: This was unexpected. So… (simply) tell me about your fireteam.

TITAN: (cautious) We worked well together.

IKORA: Please. Go on.

TITAN: I’d have her on my team again.

IKORA: (sighs) Can you help me understand what we all saw? Titan, I mean this more as a friend than as a member of the Vanguard. I can’t afford to have what few Guardians that are available to us to be distracted by-

TITAN: I understand. I promise I will not let my personal feelings get in the way of what needs to be done to protect The Last City.

IKORA: Hm. Now, how many skiffs of troops do you think were sent to eliminate the House Light elders?

TITAN: Not exactly sure. However, this didn’t look like a planned attack because it came in waves. More of a… seizing an opportunity. They would have eventually overrun us if I didn’t get reinforcements.

[SFX: Approaching footsteps.]

TITAN: But… I’m not much on the numbers. My teammate is better at that part of our mission.

IKORA: Thank you, Titan. I’d like a word with my student. (beat) Alone.

TITAN VO: I turned to my Warlock with a raised eyebrow, and then glanced at the other familiar Warlock.

[SFX: Small brush.]

TITAN VO: I touched her gently on the back and walked away. I headed back up the stairs to Saint, praying this wouldn’t end up in another boring lecture about duty and love. He was oddly alone, gazing out across the city when I approached.

[SFX: Footsteps.]

SAINT-14: Ah, Guardian! Tell me about her.

TITAN: She sets my soul ablaze, Saint. A fire hotter than the Hallowfire Heart itself. Her eyes hit me harder than the strongest Burning Maul.  I haven’t felt a torrent like this in my heart for so long. I-

SAINT-14: We spend so much time struggling for the Traveler. Fighting its enemies, and sometimes with each other. (chuckles, sighs) Treasure these moments, my friend. (lower) And remember your duty. I miss Osiris more than I can explain, but we must press forward. (kiss) Always.

[SFX: Footsteps as Titan walks away.]

TITAN VO: Saint’s direct approach was so wonderful. No wasted words or small talk. I walked away and headed toward Banshee. I had a few things to collect from him, but before I could turn the corner, Lord Shaxx called to me.

SHAXX: Titan. A word, if you will. 

TITAN: Of course, Lord Shaxx.

SHAXX: Arcite, I shall return in a few moments. Walk with me, Titan.

TITAN VO: We returned to the now-vacant place where Saladin would be stationed atop the Tower.

[SFX: The two walk together.]

TITAN VO: Back here again for another talk. This time the tone was different.

SHAXX: I hear things. So I must ask you: when was the last time? Before this one.

TITAN VO: I - I… didn’t have an answer for him. As a nigh-immortal being, I have little need to track the passing of time. I never kept a journal like other Guardians so the days, weeks, months, (growing intensity)  years, decades, centuries. They all seemed like one flowing river of light that I never bothered to think much about.

TITAN: I don’t know. I just know that it has been a very long time.

SHAXX: Good. That is good to hear. Do you remember her, though? Her smell, her taste, her energy?

TITAN: I do… I remember so much of each feeling and-

SHAXX: (intensely) But what exactly do you remember of her? Do you remember the pain or the joy? The beginning or the end? Or was it just the loss? All battles are just a lesson; not all battles are with our fists and guns. You know that. Winning the battle means taking the right risks at the right time, with all your heart and soul. (more gently) Are you prepared to lose again, Titan? I’m sure you know my story with the Queen of the Reef. It has been repeated so often that the true meaning is now lost to time and the paltry consideration of lesser creatures. (pause) Do you know why the helmet stayed on? It was war. Pure psychological warfare from the second she summoned me and through the recitation of each act of The Tempest. She never blinked, and I never wavered in repaying my debt. (sighs) Sjur deserved that. Titan, harken to me. The pure ferocity of your heart is about to be tested in ways that will crush the souls of lesser Guardians. So I ask you again, my friend. (with gravity) Are you prepared to lose her?

TITAN VO: I stiffly rubbed my head with my hands pulling my hair back.

[SFX: Gonging music fades in, urgency rising.]

TITAN VO: He was right. My toughest battle lies directly in front of me. The desperation began welling up inside me. I couldn’t lose her. I wouldn’t lose her and would bleed the last bit of Light from my soul to keep her.

TITAN: (intensely) I will not lose her. 

[SFX: A thump as the music pulls in distant trumpets.]

TITAN VO: Lord Shaxx clapped his hand on my shoulder and laughed. He motioned to his right with a mighty sweep of his arm, and I turned to see her. There she stood at the top of the stairs with an apprehensive look on her face.

[SFX: The music swells, bringing in plucking strings to create a hopeful aura before fading away.]


Titan: James Marinari

Ikora: Nhea Durousseau

Saint-14: Norman Bradley

Titan Ghost: Whitney Holland

Amanda Holliday: Bailey Wolfe

Lord Shaxx: McSpuddington

Crow: CxeeFoxx

Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca

Chapter Art: Zion Zeta

Chapter music: From available Destiny 2 playlists on Youtube

Transcripts: Eli Barraza